Every individual is unique, and every individual finds a place in the greater community—working, volunteering or participating in their own unique area(s) of interest.

Oakdale is a gracious, long-term residential setting for adults with behavioral health and developmental disabilities. We are a coeducational program that offers year-round, seven-days-a week services as well as support and guidance in community living, oversight of medical needs and direction in occupational and volunteer pursuits. We offer a range of residential services for those in need of long-term placement or short-term placement, and those who are able to transition to independent supported living. 

Oakdale was founded in 1981 by parents of a child who was transitioning from a special-needs school to the next phase of her life. Her parents were looking to provide her with an environment where she could maximize her capabilities and live to her full potential. The family was not able to find such a place. So they bought two properties and established Oakdale in Great Barrington, Massachusetts where an integrated community living model provided an ideal home.

By strengthening existing competencies while emphasizing independence and self direction, we strive for each person to see their challenges as an aspect of their being, not their defining characteristic. We provide pathways to:

  • meaningful and productive community participation

  • employment/volunteerism (when appropriate)

  • increased awareness and responsibility for personal health, wellness, safety and growth

  • the development of meaningful relationships with friends, family and others

Every resident is unique, and every resident finds a place in the greater community - working, volunteering or participating.

Every resident is unique, and every resident finds a place in the greater community - working, volunteering or participating.